About Me

Hi, I'm Tomas and I beat cancer!

Hi, I'm Tomas and I beat cancer.

I was diagnosed with stage three colorectal cancer with a 7cm tumour and many infected lymph nodes. Four months later the tumour had shrunk to microscopic dimensions, the lymph nodes had all cleared up and the blood tests were reporting numbers well within normal across the board.

Technically, I went from "T3c N2 M0" to "T0 N0 L0 V0 Pn0 R0" in four months.

I'll tell you how I beat this death sentence and maybe help you and your loved ones in fighting this terrible disease.

Read these pages with an open mind and an enquiring attitude. Take from this story anything that you feel is of assistance, do as much additional research as you feel is appropriate, talk to as many other people as you need, and then come to your own conclusions. Make your own decisions.